Call Today! 828-252-6092
Blue Ridge Land Surveying
boundary surveys are the cornerstone of our profession. Continual study of North Carolina Boundary Law, combined with years of experience using forensic procedures in finding physical boundary evidence, enables us to provide highly accurate surveys.
Elevations are taken over the site in order to calculate accurate contours through points of equal elevations. Ground topographic surveys are made for sites ranging from single house sites to future subdivisions to commercial developments and are used for site designs.
We developed a method for building layout, which allows the builder to dig and pour the footing quicker and to begin constructing the foundation faster. Standard site staking, such as; stormwater and sewer structures, curb and gutter, and roads are included.
We provide site design, construction layout, lot layout and recording services for subdivisions in our area.
We serve as expert witnesses in boundary problem cases, provide exhibit production, and special land surveying services for investigations.
Flood Certifications:
We have been surveying sites and preparing flood certifications for many years.
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Contact Information
Phone: 828 252-6092
Address: 251 Haywood St, Suite B, Asheville, NC 28801
Please call prior to stopping by to ensure someone will be available to assist you.
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